The greatest show in the west started last Thursday. It was supposed to start last Wednesday, the 2nd, but it was rained out. I've seen the show three times: I took tickets the first Thursday and then I didn't go again until this Tuesday, and I took tickets again this Wednesday.
The show consists of musical numbers that showcase the singing and dancing talents of the Burning Hills Singers.
Some highlights include Macey Jo, the sixteen year old with an amazing voice, clogging, and a woman in a bear suit. Unfortunately, the Coal Diggers (the band) does not have a banjo player. My goal is to get real good and audition for next summer's show. Towards the end, the show becomes very patriotic. Teddy Roosevelt and his rough riders charge up San Juan hill, they sing "God Bless America" and there's a giant eagle head with spinning mirror ball and finally the amazingly patriotic Neil Diamond song, "They're Coming to America." (I had no clue this was a Neil Diamond song. Abby had to tell me.)
After reading Donald Miller's A Million Miles in a Thousand Years, I realized that the Medora Musical, Medorical from here on out, has no story. Story is a character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it. Buffalo Dale wants a piece of cake and fights Chef Pierre Bear Le Bear to get it? No, there's no story in the Medorical. It's just a show with singing and dancing and awkward transitions. Case in point: after a festive cowboy wedding, Buffalo Alice gets all serious and asks, "so when are you getting shipped out?"
The Medorical has special acts throughout the summer and right now it's Extreme Canines. It is amazing. All of the dogs are rescued so that just adds to the cuteness factor. One dog can do a cool back flip and the the one below, Charlotte, can jump over this other dog. She's a little jumper. There's also an assistant, Tom, who clowns around and then during a break, this cute black and white dog (sorry I don't know what type it is, I'm not a dog person at all) comes out and they play fetch with a ball for a while and he walks on two legs and then he plays fetch with Tom's toupee. It's great.
so...when are you getting shipped out?
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